Is it ok to eat candy during Halloween?

Full disclosure I’m not a dietician.

Look folks, if you want to eat candy, eat candy people. Nothing more needs to be said so let’s move on to what I really want to talk about which is food.

There are a variety of different eating lifestyles (note I don’t use diets) because I think of diets as temporary. A lifestyle seems more permanent to me.

Can you eat whatever you want to achieve your goals? Well, it really depends on your goals but the general answer is not really. Eating fast food, processed food, junk food, overeating and consuming excess calories via drinking consistently will catch up with you and whomever says it doesn’t is lying. It will impact your health, your joints, your stamina, your “gainz bro” and even your moods.

The key word here is consistency or consistently if you want to be picky about what I just wrote in the previous paragraph. Find a consistent lifestyle that helps you reach your goals and makes you feel good and optimizes your body. Use the googles people, there are plenty to choose from or I like to take something from each thinking it will help me in some form.

This is what I call the Bruce Lee approach. For those that aren’t familiar with his martial arts style, he “borrowed” from each type of martial art to create his own fighting style. I encourage research to do the same and see what Lifestyle fits your goals and achieves your results.

Remember folks, diet is a huge component of your goals so make it a priority in your life.